Our CoinArmy Family Is Growing For 2021…

Last year, we launched our Twitch channel at www.twitch.tv/officialinsertcoin and we’re so proud of all the amazing content creators who have helped it to grow – and build up such an amazing community.
Since last summer, Chris and Dan (@chrisslight and @MrTeamCorvette) have been talking about everything that’s going on at Insert Coin Towers each Friday – and they’ll be hosting an extra show on Mondays now too.
Meanwhile, our friends StaceyofGotham, AuroreStreams, ChaosRiotZero, Just Geo, EllieJoyPanic, PikaPies, MC Fixer and EternalStephHD have been running community streams every Monday.
Now we’re very proud to announce that we are starting up another set of CoinArmy streams each WEDNESDAY – so now you’ll get IC goodness THREE times a week.
Joining the CoinArmy for 2021 are:
Alex Lolies
Zoe Delahunty-Light
Ice Cream Uploads
Sean Labodé
We’re so excited to have them all in the IC family and we know you’ll give them an awesome welcome to their new streams.
It all kicks off on Wednesday 6th January, with Lolies taking the helm for an awesome evening of fun and games.
So get ready to get your geek on – we’re gearing up for a brand new year of kickass streams for 2021 at www.twitch.tv/officialinsertcoin