We’re very excited to announce that we will be starting off a season of awesome livestreams on our Twitch channel at
It all kicks off TOMORROW, just after 12 noon (UK) on Friday 31st July, with Chris Slight (@chrisslight) hosting the first of our hour-long weekly INSERT COIN LIVE streams, along with our very own Dan Long (@MrTeamCorvette).
They’ll be playing some games of course, but also chatting about everything that’s going on at IC – including the latest launches, sneak peeks of future designs, as well as sweet giveaways and much more.
And, from Monday 3rd August, our COIN ARMY LIVE streams will start too. Each week, one of our amazing streaming friends will take control of our channel and fill it with videogames and community goodness.
It all kicks off with the amazing STACEYOFGOTHAM, and over the coming weeks will include even more of the awesome folk who’ve supported us over the last 10 years – MCFIXER, ETERNALSTEPHHD, JUST GEO, ELLIEJOYPANIC, PIKAPIES, AURORE STREAMS and CHAOSRIOTZERO.
So, MONDAYS will have an amazing community stream from our friends, and FRIDAYS will be a slice of in-house awesomeness from IC Towers.
Make sure you don’t miss out – check out our Twitch channel at and get your geek on with us…