Assassin's Creed, Battletoads, Conker, General, inFAMOUS, Insert Coin, LittleBigPlanet, Monster Hunter, PlayStation, Rare
Want to add some XP to your Christmas this year? Then get crafty and download our FREE videogame snowflakes!
All you need is paper and some scissors and you can add some instant gaming cheer to your holiday celebrations. You can download the patterns here:
‘Conker’ Snowflake
(order our Rare range here)
‘Felyne’ Snowflake
(order our Monster Hunter range here)
‘inFAMOUS’ Snowflake
(order our inFAMOUS range here)
‘Battletoads’ Snowflake
(order our Rare range here)
‘Sackboy’ Snowflake
(order our PlayStation ranges here)
‘The Creed’ Snowflake
(order our Assassin’s Creed range here)
1. Download and print our snowflake templates.
2. Use scissors to trim around the printed circle and place all off-cuts in the recycling.
3. Fold up the circle along the long grey lines to create a circular fan. Make sure the section with the design printed is on the top of the fan.
4. While folded, use scissors (or a craft knife) to carefully cut around the design – putting any off-cuts in the recycling. Remember, you’re keeping the white and discarding the grey sections.
5. Unfold the paper and you’ve got your awesome videogame snowflake! Decorate them with glitter, hang them up and you’re ready to get your geek on this Christmas!
an Assassin’s Creed sweatshirt without the hood????????
A sweatshirt with a hood is a hoodie
We have some hooded products planned, but for next year