We are very proud to announce that we are working on an awesome new range, inspired by Saints Row.
Everyone on the Insert Coin team is a long-term fan of the franchise and we’ve spent a lot of time on the mean streets of Steelport. We’re so excited and we’re so proud to show you all the designs we have in store – expect a LOT of purple!
“Volition are thrilled that Insert Coin Clothing have added Saints inspired clobber to their range. We can’t wait to dub-test it to ensure the garments live up to the strain of saving the planet” says Jim Boone, Senior Producer, Volition.
And here’s how our initial line-up is shaping up…
Saints Flow tee
When you’re saving the world, you need the maximum amount of refreshment – and real heroes drink Saints Flow! This tee celebrates the classic taste of Saints in style…
Professor Genki tee
Genius comes in many forms, but there aren’t many that can match Professor Genki. He’s a fashionable feline too – and only this tee will give you MAXIMUM T-SHIRT ULTRA-JOY!
Gat polo
One man defines the Saints. One awesome man. This simple elegant polo celebrates the one and only Johnny Gat – the eternal figurehead for all Saints, everywhere…
Genki leggings
Everyone loves the cleverest cat in town – especially when that town is Steelport, USA! And when it comes to perfection, these Genki-infused leggings have got you covered…
Steelport Saints hoodie
Never forget where you’re coming from – not that you’d ever want to if you hail from Steelport of course! Celebrate its association with the Saints with this epic hoodie…
3rd Street Saints jacket
Steelport. Planet Earth. The Galaxy. Everyone everywhere wants to be a Saint – and now you can be part of the crew too, with this awesome varsity-style jacket…
As always, these are concepts and the final designs are still TBC, but this new range is set to land in early 2014 and we’ll have more details very soon… keep ’em peeled!
OMG: Professor Genki tee, Gat polo, Saints Flow tee, Steelport Saints hoodie: I would sell my cars (Wraith and Attrazione) to get one of these!!!!!!!11!!!111111!!oneone!!!
Hoping for a Stilwater hoodie to go with the Steelport one!
Maybe for a second range?
I’ve been looking for a new hat with a gamer flair. I’m guessing Saint’s Row themed would be something sweet! Any plans for a hat design?
Maybe later on – we’ve got Watch_Dogs, PaRappa and other as-yet-unannounced designs set to land very soon though
These all look AMAZING! So pumped to see this set!
where can I buy the gat shirt and the 3rd street saints jacket….i really want those
They’ll be exclusive to – hitting the store around Q2
I want the hoodie!
I would so buy the jacket…
omg so glad will there be more like deckers moringstar luchadors and vk tees and will they be in arange of colours
Maybe in the future – we might do a stage two if this is well supported
I would buy a Decker’s Jacket no questions asked.
You never know for the future
You should make a recreation of gats jacket from Saints Row 3 and 4
No plans to make any more now – our Saints range is game over.
Hi there! My name is Henry Layton. I want one of each of these items. There awesome. I’m an actor and stuntman, and I am actually the “player” for all of the the Saints Row games. Can you email me the link so I can order these items. Thank you.
You guys are doing a great job. Have fun
Henry Layton
Hey Henry! They’ll be exclusive on, preorders starting in a few weeks… feel free to drop us an email and we can provide all the details
I wish there was one where the gang was pouring one out over / onto the THQ logo.
Wow, these look great, I want the 3rd Street Saints jacket, Genki Tee and Gat Polo
Any chance you guys will carry these in 4 or 5XL? I am a freakishly tall dude, and 3XL is usually too short =/
No plans for bigger than 3XL – but our tees are pretty long
Those are excellent, but I desperately need a distressed Freckle Bitches shirt, and maybe a Planet Saints tee, too.
Well you never know for the future
I love this idea! I can’t believe THQ/Volition never thought of it sooner!
That said, I strongly feel that there is a missed opportunity with the Saints hoodie; The Saints started in STILLWATER, not Steelport. I truly believe that if you had a Stilwater hoodie, you’d get a lot more interest. I’d buy two, myself(one to wear and one to frame[I’m a huge fan of the first two games]).
I loved how in the first game(and in a lesser capacity the sequel), coloring EVERYTHING purple, was part of the gameplay. The more purple you had, the more respect you got. Spray painting your car, your hair, your clothes, even accessories! They dropped that in Saints Row 3 and I missed that aspect of the game.
So, this is a way to celebrate that feature from the first game and show love for the series itself. Great idea!
We did consider Stilwater, but we just prefer Steelport as a location – but you never know, if this range goes well a Stilwater one might happen later
hey guys, the staff of insert coin clothing, could one of you put me on some sort of alert list when pre-orders start up on these beauts? I got to have these reserved for my husband and me! thanks and let me know, bud : )
Ooh, we don’t have a list as such – but if you’re on our Facebook or Twitter feeds, then you won’t miss a thing
I’ve been looking for a new jacket, and something that fit the tag gamer. I was really excited to see the 3rd St Saints varsity jacket, but… well, looking at the site, it seems you only make up to XL on other jackets, I’d be afraid it would be a bit snug, so sadly I’ll probably have to pass. Hope these sell well though. It’s a great idea.
I’d love to see a shirt with just Genki’s face as opposed to the SERC logo! But I’ll probably still pick up a SERC shirt, if it comes in women’s sizes.
Well, you never know for the future ranges
Also, most women pick up our guys tee in a size down – as they’re fitted anyway, they work really well 
Will you be offering a female cut on the shirts/jumpers too?
The hoodie and jackets are both unisex – and all our female customers prefer the ‘guys’ cut tees at the moment anyway, so it’s pretty much Liberty Hall
Saints row Cool !!! I buy all !
Finally! I’ve wanted Saints Row apparel for so long and I never thought this day would come, so thank you so much!
I’d kill for Gat’s jacket exactly like the one he wears in SR3 and SR4 too. If it’s possible in the near future, could you guys make one? Even in female sizes, pretty please?
Aww thanks – and you never know what new designs we’ll be adding later on. And pretty much everything is unisex
yh i would love that too!
dream buy Anime Kitty =)
That 3rd str saints jacket i so have to get its awesome!
Please please please PLEASE! add a Freckle Bitch’s t-shirt.
I’ve been going bonkers for one. These are all awesome and I’m LIKELY to get at least one of everything.
But a Freckle Bitch’s t-shirt would srsly make me your best friend forever.
Hee hee! We might in the future – you never know
OMG WOW!! I’ve been waiting for this day since I first discovered Saints Row!! This is so exciting. When they are available, will they be available internationally? I’m from Ireland, so I was hoping that I’d be able to get my hands on some Saints clothes =D
Yup, we ship worldwide
That is brilliant!!!! When will they be available?
In a couple of months – April/May is our current target
Excited isn’t even the word to describe me right now lol
Know the exact release date? or at least approximate.
An exact date, no – but we’re expecting them to launch in April/May time… best to follow us on Twitter or Facebook from the latest info
I would be all up on that varsity jacket. These are great designs so far–I can’t wait to see the finished products.
Absolutely loving the look of everything! Dying to buy the Genki leggings, any idea on a launch date?!
Thanks so much! We’re aiming for Q2
Holy hell! Ah I need the Saints Varsity Jacket. When can I get these, or at least pre-order?!
Aww thanks Noreen! We’re hoping to start preorders in the next few weeks
You don’t have a mailing list for updates, do you? I reeeaaally don’t want to miss out on this line, but I don’t check FB as often as I should… Do you usually sell out quickly?
VERY quickly – we always recommend following us on FB or Twitter
Are they out yet. I gotta get myself some. If they are can u plz drop me a link or something.
They’re going to be launching for preorders soon – keep an eye out over the coming weeks… and follow our FB/Twitter feeds for all the latest news
Regarding your comment above about selling out “VERY quickly,” will more be produced or is just one batch being made/grab them while you can? I’m in love with your line, but I may not be able to order whenever you decide to make these items live! Just curious
Everything is limited and we don’t always reprint, so we always recommend picking up what you want as soon as possible
Hey guys, I know you’ve said that you hope pre-orders start this month but my brothers birthday is the 6th of June and I was hoping to get him the varsity jacket. Do you think they’ll be ready in time? Thanks!
We’re hoping to start preorders before then, sure – production ETA is still to be confirmed
Ok, thanks
Are you going to do child sizes?
Hi Angel! No plans at the moment
We NEED Johnny’s jacket from SR3 and 4
No plans at the moment – but if you haven’t got one already, you NEED the 3rd Street jacket now
I would like to see a Johnny Gat Jacket like the one he wears in Gat Outta Hell to be made.I would melt to have one for my boyfriend.
No plans at the moment – but we are about to roll out two more designs
Is this still a thing?
Our SR range is now GAME OVER – no plans to make more at the moment!
would be be able to buy these in the future ? I want that varsity jacket!!
No these designs are gone forever.